Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Introducing PEP and Our Blog!

Hi, Everyone!!

Before our interview on this Thursday, June 13th with Cyrus Webb of Conversations Live! on BlogTalk Radio, I wanted to post some background information on our organization. 


People Effecting People was founded in 2012 by a group of leaders in the community who could no longer ignore the pressures of the economic hardships and needed to find a way to make a difference and create opportunity.  Our motto “in our communities, creating a legacy, building the future” describes what we believe our mission is on this earth.  Through collaboration and partnership, sacrifice and hard work we will change the existing pattern in the community as it relates to art, sports, health and education in our community.  We will organize, mobilize and facilitate a positive social change and create a positive impact on the youth, adults and seniors in our community.

These economic hardships are driving our seniors back into the workplace, pressuring our youth to pursue illegal activities and eliminating the family dynamic in our communities.  Finding and paying for quality services, events and programs is a major concern for the people of our communities.  People Effecting People will adequately provide access to resources, plan events, offer programs and services at low to no cost. 

These programs will provide opportunities to come together, encourage and learn from one another and address the challenges that face us a group.  Through mentoring, participation, support and education we will conquer social/cultural barriers to personal development.


Our goal is to guide and empower the community into a healthy lifestyle with an emphasis on personal growth and community connections using positive role models and neighborhood-based programs. We promote educational excellence, economic self-sufficiency and community engagement through creative education and critical thinking, leadership development, action and service missions in the community.


The vision of People Effecting People ™ is to be the premier provider of programs and services of excellence, building a stronger, healthier, more self-reliant community transforming the way families live, learn, and relate to each other and the larger community. Our dedicated team provides services at a low-cost that will improve the lives of the residents in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Northern Virginia and strengthen the community as a whole by implementing programs based on ever changing neighborhood needs.


PEOPLE EFFECTING PEOPLE is a non-profit 501(c)(3) under From the Heart to the Hand Wholistic Services.  We are entirely funded through gifts and grants from individuals, foundations, corporations and institutions.


School’s Out™ - is a summer youth events and volunteer program focused in Arts, Education, Athletics and Health.


PEP Senior Moments ™ - is our senior events program focused in Arts, Education, Athletics and Health for seniors over 55 years of age.


PEP – HEP ™ - “Health Empowerment Project” – is a health team focused on physical, mental and nutritional health.  This team ages (13 and up) assembles monthly to complete community health challenges of a physical, mental and nutritional nature.


PEP-YASP™ - “Youth Athletic Scholarship Program” - department is focused on the physical, mental and character development of disenfranchised youth throughout the Washington Metropolitan area. Through our partnerships with like-minded youth sports organizations, PEP will provide an opportunity for these children to participate in a wide variety of sports including but not limited to; Basketball, Soccer, Baseball, Track & Field, Flag Football and Tackle Football.


Discover Your Success ™ - is a tutoring program aimed to support and encourage the academic, personal, and social growth of children and youth in District, Maryland and Virginia with the help of volunteers and community partners.


Discover Your Talents ™ - are “how to” seminars taught by our community partners to help members of the community in areas of home improvement, culinary training, car repair, and other areas of interest. 


Discover Your Future ™ - is a series of classes, programs and events focused on supplemental vocational education and college preparation.

PEP Dance Academy ™ - are comprehensive dance classes for all ages taught by professional dancers in several different genres of dance. 


 Ebony Landon, Executive Director, Founder

April Lawyer, Director of Programs Education, Health and Athletics, Co-Founder

Shaneil Guidry, Director of Programs Arts and Entertainment, Co-Founder



We are presently looking at a variety of methods and programs to expand our outreach efforts to impact a greater number of youth in the region. If you or your organization has collaborative partnership ideas, please contact us directly.  We would love to learn more about ways we can best serve the youth of our communities.
Ebony Landon


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